"Where have you been in the last 14 years?....What have you been up to?." Simple enough questions that seem to look for simple enough answers. The trouble is, where do we get the answers? How do we answer such a very profound question?
I said well I've been around. I've been here and I've been there. I was this and I was that. I've made this and created that But, I also destroyed this and shattered that.
I have bred the most wonderful of birds, the most colorful at that.
people were amazed of my feat
But unbeknownst to them, I also developed a snake whose appetite is most voracious indeed
For it does not consume only the most beautiful but the most precious of my birds in fact
It does not stop eating until it has eaten everything and he's the only one left among the lot
What then do i do to control the snake who consumed and killed?
What can one do with this powerful and unnerving plot?
I seeked for help but answers came not
I looked for escape but the paths were blocked
I fought brave and I fought hard
my sword got chipped, my armor tarnished
Helplessness and confusion set in
My spirit got dampened and so I gave up
It sits there waiting now breeding!
So what have i done really?
Nothing profound
Nothing really interestingly new
I did this and thought of that
and Nothing seemed to work though, when it comes to that
then lately, I met this wonderful thing who asked questions
so many of her questions I could not even pathom
i wanted her to come in but this i first must do
I need to rid the snakes off everything i do
To kill the snakes says she i dont know how to
but why not start making short of about a couple or two?
The last time we counted there were 3385!
I know its a long way and a hard one to bare
But to kill each and everyone of them i have got no minute to spare
So I'll start with you you foul creature
and watch me spit at and laugh when I conquer you
for I know I will have the victory that is most really true!
Interesting parable. One must deal with one's confusions one at a time.